Mac Endpoint Security – Why Should You Go The Extra Mile

If you are a Mac owner, you will probably know that the operating system has a great reputation from the built-in security perspective. With Windows being the prime target for hackers, Mac users have always been less concerned about cyber attacks. However, as more and more enterprises switch to this modern OS, things are very different today. Endpoint security is undoubtedly the top priority in corporate settings because business data and networks are at stake. So this is one investment that you should not cringe about. If you still have doubts, let us give you some good reasons to go the extra mile with Mac endpoint security.

Exposure in the enterprise ecosystem

Although Mac systems are known to be relatively strong against malware and other vulnerabilities, their increasing use in enterprises has suddenly led to much exposure. When used as a part of the corporate BYOD ecosystem, these devices could be exempted from security policies unintentionally or carelessly. Even a single chance or event can put the entire system at risk, which is the last thing you would want to encounter. It becomes critical for the IT teams to understand Mac-based risks and implement best practices to curb them.

Popularity as developer’s devices

Apart from the growing use in enterprises, macOS has gained extensive popularity for developers as well. However, developer’s devices often end up being the prime targets for attackers as they access and store crucial pieces such as source code and API keys. Endpoint security becomes all the more important for them as these valuable assets must be safeguarded from hackers and attackers.

Lack of visibility

While Mac is better than its other OS counterparts in many ways, it lacks native tooling for endpoint security monitoring. Consequently, businesses have to rely on users to ensure that their systems are always updated and have the best anti-malware tools in place. It surely makes sense to go the extra mile as you cannot take chances with the confidential business data and networks. Fortunately, a proactive approach for monitoring along with reliable anti-malware tools in place covers the lack of visibility and comprehensive tools.

Users cannot be trusted enough

Even as you may have the most trusted employees working diligently with their devices, you cannot depend on them completely. While some users may simply lack the basic knowledge about device security, others may compromise with it due to malicious intentions. Implementing the principle of least privilege is the best measure to reduce the damage done intentionally or unintentionally. Make sure that the users can access only the data, settings, and applications they need. The implementation of other best practices is equally important.

With Macs now being commonplace in enterprise settings, security teams need to focus on catching up with savvy hackers who target the potential weak points of the OS. Even as Mac is the best in terms of security, being overconfident can do more harm than good. It makes sense to stay one step ahead with endpoint security in the corporate ecosystem.

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