Google Launching Music Service Soon

Google started out by offering a search engine, ever since then, they have always looked to advance and branch out their internet dominance in numerous different areas. Google have just launched their very own music service, which might come as bad news to companies such as Amazon and iTunes.

Whilst Google’s music service will offer some music tracks for free, others will be priced between 0.69 cents up to $1.29. Google’s music service uses a cloud based service, which helps you store all of your songs on the internet, rather than on your computer’s hard-drive, making it accessible from any device you own.

The service is currently restricted to just the USA, however, the service is likely to expand to Europe shortly if the service has a positive reaction from the USA release. Sharing tracks and more is all possible using the service via Google+.

Google’s music service will also be offering some exclusive content that won’t be available, initially, anywhere else from next year, such as: Busta Rhymes – who will be debuting his 2012 album.

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