A new, rather silent update from Facebook, allows you to see which of your friends have deactivated their accounts. Friends who have deactivated their accounts would previously show a message stating the page was unavailable, meaning they could have blocked you, removed you, or simply deactivated their account, leaving you puzzled.
Well now the guess game is over, if your friend has deactivated their account on Facebook, then there name will show up, and will say:
“This account has been deactivated. Only you can see “Name” on your friends list. You have the option to unfriend ‘Name’.”

To access this new feature, you need to visit your profile (going to the search box at the top won’t work, it will still show ‘The page you requested was not found’), and then click the friends button, then search for friends you think might have deleted, blocked you or deactivated their account â (the profile pic of a friend who has deactivated their account will appear as the default Facebook profile pic). If the friend you are looking for isn’t visible, this means they have blocked or deleted you.