A Newbie’s Guide To Watching TV Shows & Movies Online

There was once a time where the only way to have a vast choice of movies and TV programs was to get cable TV. Thanks to the Internet, we can now download or stream all kinds of programming from around the world.

Most homes have an Internet connection. If yours does, it’s likely you’ve thought about streaming some content to your computer or TV. But, how do you go about doing that? And do you need any expertise to get everything set up?

In today’s handy guide, I will tell you all you need to know about watching TVs and films online.

How good is your Internet connection?

The first thing you need to do is determine what speed you get from your Internet connection. If you have a high-speed cable or fiber connection, you’re good to go. But, what if you’ve got a low broadband one?

In that case, you will need to get it upgraded. The good news is you can choose from one of many different Internet providers. They can supply you with the router you need, and ensure your line can handle high-speed data transfers.

If you’re not sure how fast your Internet connection is, check out speedtest.net.

Do you have a “smart” TV?

The difference between a smart TV and a regular one is that the smart version can go online. These days, most TVs are smart models. So, why is a smart TV important? Well, they are like computers in a sense. They come with software “apps” for various things.

Some of those apps let you view streaming movies and TV programs. Examples include Netflix and Amazon Prime. It’s not necessary to have a smart TV, but it makes life easier as you don’t need to use extra devices.

Do you have a powerful computer?

If you’ve got an account with someone like Netflix or Amazon you can watch programs on your computer too. So, if you fancy watching a movie on your PC or Mac, you can view it on there – not just on your TV.

It’s important that you have a powerful system to handle movie playback. Any modern system with at least an Intel Core i3 processor and 4GB RAM is fine. Or, to put it another way, most systems bought within the last four to five years.

Do you want to watch programs from around the world?

The only caveat with streaming services is they are region-locked (a bit like DVDs). If you’re an American that loves watching British TV programs, all is not lost. You can get a subscription to a smart DNS provider to overcome those region blocks.

In layman’s terms, your router spoofs streaming providers into thinking you’re in the UK. Or any other part of the world, in fact. That way, you won’t get blocked.

I hope that today’s guide has helped to demystify the world of streaming entertainment.

By following the tips in it, you’ll be able to start watching TV programs and movies online in no time at all. Thanks for reading!

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