How to Gain More Followers on Twitter

No matter how many followers you have on Twitter, you always want more. There’s no such thing as too many followers on Twitter. So, how can you gain more? Read on to find out.

Schedule Tweets

It’s a proven fact that people who are consistent with their tweeting and post things regularly are the ones that have the most followers. So, try to stay consistent and send out tweets at regular intervals. This can be done pretty easily by using software that schedules your tweets.

The best software to use when you’re looking to start scheduling your tweets is Hootsuite. This is a very popular tool and it’s also free to use, which is even better! If you struggle to stay consistent and regular, this kind of software could help you to hold onto and gain followers.

Find Out What Your Followers Like

If you want to appeal to your followers, keep hold of them and attract more, you need to know what they want from you. Think about what your Twitter account does well, and try to do more of this. It’s not too difficult to find out which of your tweets are most popular among your followers.

Start by paying more attention to which of your tweets get the most retweets and favourites. And then pay attention to which of your tweets don’t get many retweets at all. The ones that get favourited and retweeted a lot are the types of tweets you should be focusing on.

Be Funny

Everyone likes people who are genuinely funny. Think about who are the people with the most tweets. Aside from the super-famous people, the ones with the most followers are the ones that can entertain people and make them laugh.

If you’re a naturally witty and funny person in real life, try to channel this energy into your tweets. You could also try to create a meme that makes people laugh. Use a free meme generator to do this. Try to be original and witty, and you’ll gain more follower in no time at all.

Follow Everyone You Are Already Connected To

We all have online connections, and they’re not just on Twitter. For example, you probably have at least one email account filled with contact. So, why not use those email addresses to find people to follow on social media. If those people know you, they should return the favour and follow you back.

LinkedIn is a good source of contacts too. If you have lots of contacts and friends on your LinkedIn account, don’t forget to follow these people on Twitter too. The vast majority of people who use LinkedIn will also use Twitter.

Ask Questions

If you stay inside an insular bubble on Twitter, don’t be surprised when nobody wants to follow you. If you want to gain followers, you need to be more active and engage with other people on social media. It’s not a difficult or time-consuming thing to do, so why not get to it?

When there’s a debate on social media, get involved with it. Talk to people, offer your opinion and ask questions to people. This will put you at the centre of the conversation, and it will certainly gain you a few new followers in the process. Ask questions of your followers too, you’ll get lots of responses and start a conversation.

Each tweet you send out into the world should have a purpose or have something to say. Don’t be one of those boring people who send out pointless tweets that no one is interested in reading. One of the easiest ways to spice your tweets up a little is to add more links to interesting sites in them.

It’s a simple move, but it can make a big difference. Simply post the link to an article you find interesting and then offer a little personal comment on the link you’re sharing. This is a great way to gain followers because people will start to see you as a valuable source of news and commentary.

Carve Out a Niche

One sure-fire way to gain more followers is to be a bit more specific with your tweets. Having a niche means your appeal will be a little less broad, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have fewer followers. Instead, you’ll start to attract people who have a specific interest in what you’re tweeting about.

If you want to make yourself known to people who are interested in your niche, there are lots of clever things you can do. For example, if your niche is in fishing, you could start posting on fishing forums and let people know about your Twitter account. It’s another way to network and gain followers.

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