The best mobile gaming development tools

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  4. UNITY

Gaming has been around for years, and every year it keeps getting better and better.

 Today we have a new platform in the market, one that has revolutionised gaming forever, and that is mobile gaming. In today’s market, you have to be in it to win it.

You will have already seen the global successes of mobile games such as; Puzzle & Dragons, Clash of Clans and, of course, Candy Crush Saga. These games have all helped push mobile gaming into the mainstream.

Mobile gaming development is not all too different from online gaming development, however the tools in the market can be a little different. So, to help you reach your goals and ambitions, here is a small guide to the best mobile game development tools:



The Marmalade SDK is stated to be the quickest way to develop cross-platform C++ games. This nifty bit of kit enables you to open Visual Studio or Xcode projects and compile them for mobile platforms including; iOS, Blackberry 10, Windows Phone, Android, Windows and Mac desktops from a single project file in Marmalade.

The firm launched two supplements in 2013, which were received very well by the Marmalade users; Marmalade Juice and Marmalade Quick

Used in: Signal to the Stars, Draw Something, Talisman Prologue, Plants vs Zombies and Vector


The powerhouse behind this offers two solutions for mobile game developers. The Unreal Engine 3 includes; C++ source code, integrated Unreal Editor Suite and direct report from its own engineers.  What’s more, you also get the Unreal Development Kit, which is a great little bonus.

Both the Unreal Engine and the Unreal Development Kit come with a set of middleware packages and a set of integrations at no extra cost.

Used in: Borderlands Legends, Infinity Blade Series, Injustice and Batman: Arkham City Lockdown.


Meet the Maya LT. It is Autodesk’s attempt at supplying the online gaming development market with a tool which has been built especially for them. Some of these mobile gaming development tools that are in the market today, actually started off as online game development tools, this could mean that some of the features that are specific to mobile gaming do not live up to expectation.

The Maya LT has been built from the ground up, especially for the mobile gaming developer community and it is designed specifically for the mobile developers and start-ups.

Used in:  This is a new product, that has just become available within the mobile gaming development market.


If you are looking for a mobile gaming development tool, with a well rounded suite of tools, accessibility, dependability and cross-platform capabilities, then look no further than Unity’s integrated development environment. It has been a firm favourite of mobile gaming developers for a few years.

The integrated development environment allows you to port between all major mobile platforms. This will very soon include PlayStation Mobile and Tizen.

Used in: The Fall, Temple Run 2, Deus Ex, The Room, Bad Piggies and Leviathan Warships.

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