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So! Microsoft has recently announced a slew of new XBOX ONE Exclusive titles, bringing a few much loved IP’s back for another round, while also announcing some all new stuff… So, here we go! We bring you the very best upcoming Xbox Xclusives..It’s not a typo, I swear.
Rare Replay
Fable Legends
Not much is known about the gameplay at this time, but the combat in the trailer seems very colourful indeed, with magic flying this way and that and plenty of odd creatures to smack around. Fable Legends makes it’s mark on the world sometime in 2015, keep an eye out!
You can watch this beautiful trailer below:
I’ve unfortunately never played any of the Crackdown games to date, but I have played the first Prototype game, and I can certainly see the resemblances between the games, maybe this gives me a feel for Crackdown? I don’t know, important thing is, the new Crackdown is rumoured for a 2016 release, check it out!
Quantum Break
Quantum Break’s main gameplay element seems to be the use of some pretty wicked looking time manipulation powers woven into the story, some of these seem to include
Time slowing; a staple of modern videogames, sure, but it’s done much like it was in Dishonoured, wherein you could fire your gun/bow while time had slowed and the bullets would be held aloft in midair before firing violently into your foes the second time returns to normal.
Time Acceleration; the ability to speed up time while running, essentially making your character a blur to be reckoned with, this ability can also be used to rush up to an opponent and kick him in the face…Seems a bit unsporting really.
Object Manipulation; your character seems to be able to manipulate things that are stuck inside a stasis field, things like cars, and when you give the player a chance to fling cars at people using time powers, I don’t think they’ll be using that gun that the game gives them.
Quantum Break should be coming out soon, watch out for more information!
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Based off the E3 2015 trailer, Lara’s animations are smooth and clean, and watching her trudge up a snow covered slope in the middle of a snow storm before launching herself onto an unstable and slick wall of ice with picks in hand is well..pretty damn cool. The backgrounds and scenery also look great, with angry looking storm clouds looming over head and large glistening icicles covering nearly everything.
Overall, this one looks great and will be well worth looking out for – This title should be coming sometime in 2015.
So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed this list of upcoming exclusives!