The Top 10 Android Apps for 2015

Mobile phones have definitely gone through some changes over the years. From the lowly Brick to the latest smartphone handset, the mobile has worked its way into nearly every aspect of our daily lives. No longer a businessman’s accessory, the mobile has become standard issue for just about all of us. Today, nearly 97% of adults in the UK have at least one mobile phone, and we use them for almost everything.

The Top 10 Android Apps for 2015

Since the advent of the smartphone, the mobile has become our go to device for more than just making calls and texting. With the rise of the app, we have begun using our mobiles for everything from social networking to monitoring our exercise routines. Every year hundreds of new apps hit the market. Some are free, and some are not; many succeed, and many more fail. Now, as 2015 gets under way, it seems a perfect time to look at some of the best apps for Android phone users. These are by no means the only new apps out there, but these are simple ten of the best to hit the new year market.

1. Viber

Viber is a free voice and texting app that brings your home PC into the communication equation. Using the Viber PC app, you can seamlessly transfer calls and texts to and from your mobile and personal computer. Viber is poised to make a big splash in 2015, as it makes talking and texting easier, and in many cases cheaper.

2. TextSecure

Security is a growing concern amongst mobile users, and if you’re worried about who might be accessing, and reading, your text messages then TextSecure is the answer. This free app not only encrypts all of your active texts, but also all of your stored texts.

3. Facebook

The internet wouldn’t be the internet without Facebook, and this new app allows you to stay fully connected to the most popular social networking platform around. The free mobile app gives you access to all of Facebook’s features and settings, so you can browse and chat as easily as you would on a laptop or PC.

4. Circle of 6

This unique app was primarily designed to combat domestic violence and sexual assault, but it can be used in any emergency situation. Two taps sends a pre-written message to any of six pre-programmed contacts, asking for help and sending the caller’s GPS location. Currently the app comes pre-set with US emergency numbers, but can be customized for international use. This is one of the most important free apps to hit the market this year.

5. AccuWeather

AccuWeather isn’t new, but it continues to be one of the most popular free apps available for Google Android. You can pre-program locations for weather updates and forecasts, and the app includes a widget so you can check the forecast at a glance on your home computer.

6. Monster Math

Like it or not, kids love their smartphones. But as parents, you don’t have to sacrifice learning for fun. Monster Math is one of the best examples of a maths learning app that kids will love. Kids help Monster Maxx battle enemies and explore new worlds, all through the power of mathematics. Monster Math isn’t free, but the small initial fee covers a full range of games and exercises.

7. Train Times UK

For the business person on the go, or just the hectic traveller, Train Times UK offers full access to train fares and times, as well as live departures and arrivals for all national rail stations throughout the UK. For only £3.49, you can have the national rail schedule at your fingertips.

8. NHS Direct

Just like the NHS Direct Helpline, this app gives you immediate access medical advice and information. Feeling unwell and need advice, the NHS Direct app will help you identify the problem and advise whether or not you should seek medical attention. This is a great app for new parents, who may need medical advice in a hurry.

9. to go

Trying to save money? This app lets you compare prices on products from more than 100 UK retailers. Compare you before you buy, and you can cut down on your spending and make 2015 a year for saving money.

10. British Heart Foundation Recipe Finder

Finally, this app will help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions by helping you find heart healthy recipes on the fly. You can use the app to search according to course, main ingredient, or dietary restrictions. Recipes include everything you need to prepare heart healthy, nutritionally sound, meals.

The right app can virtually transform your smartphone, putting it to uses you might never have considered. The New Year promises to bring literally hundreds of new apps to the market. The few we’ve mentioned here are only a peek at what’s to come.

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