FIFA 12 Game Review

Developer: EA Canada
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: 27 September 2011

Official Site: FIFA 12

Every year soccer / football fans are rewarded with the next in EA’s FIFA series. Can FIFA 12 correct and improve some of FIFA 11’s flaws? Let’s find out.

In FIFA 11 it felt as though there was little objective other than to win games. FIFA 12 comes with a whole new experience points system, which rewards you whatever game mode you’re in. Furthermore, you also earn experience points for the football club you support. For example, if you’re playing with Aston Villa and you win the game, not only will you personally be rewarded, but so will your club. You can see how you and your club are doing by visiting the leaderboards at any time – as it’s constantly changing.

The new match making system is a positive improvement. For example, if you choose to play with Stoke City, you won’t be paired up with Real Madrid, and the system will carefully find a player who is playing with a similar team and skill level as yours. Another little change which we really like is that you don’t know what opposition you are playing until the presentation screen appears.

Tackling is harder and more challenging. No longer can you slide tackle with ease like in FIFA 11, it’s much harder. Tackling requires more thought and positioning rather than aggression.

An improved presentational system has helped change the way you navigate around the FIFA modes and settings. It works better than before, and feels less cluttered.

FIFA 11 was highly criticized for its zombie-like player modelling. The same can’t be said for FIFA 12; the players are well modelled and contain great detail. You can even see beads of sweat run down player’s foreheads on the clip replays.

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The only real negative area we could find with FIFA 12 was some gameplay glitches, where players would occasionally collide without reason and dive on the floor. Hopefully this will be something that EA patch quickly.

FIFA 12 has so much to offer, and is the best in the series so far. EA have taken some daring risks to dramatically change the way recent FIFA games have worked. With so many improvements, FIFA 12 is a must-have title for any soccer / football fan.

Available on: PS3, Wii, DS, PC, PS2, PSP, PSv, 3DS, iPad, iPhone, Android and XBOX 360.

Rating: 9 / 10


  • Visuals
  • Player Modelling
  • New Experience Points System
  • Presentation
  • Gameplay


  • Some Glitches
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