PS4 vs. XBOX One – Which should you Gift this Christmas?


It’s now that time of the year when you begin to realise that Christmas is incoming. With the snow falling, and the festive lights appearing throughout neighbourhoods, it’s this very period when excitement grows. Children to adults – Christmas is for everyone to enjoy.

Console-Buyer's-Guide-2015It dosen’t matter if you’re a parent or newcomer, this balanced guide is aimed towards those who are considering the option of gifting or buying an 8th gen console this Christmas. In an attempt to cover the basics, let’s begin…

Buying the latest console isn’t always simple and if you aren’t that well informed when it comes to the world of video games, then you should note that there are currently two 8th gen consoles available, and they consist of Sony’s PS4 and Microsoft’s XBOX One. Whilst that might considerably narrow down your options, making things somewhat simpler, you’re probably still lost as to which would be the perfect buy as a gift, right?

ps4This article is designed to take a look at which of the two would most likely be ideal for that special person you plan on buying and gifting for.

Firstly, it’s important to realise that both system have now been out for roughly two years, meaning we now understand far more. When a console initially releases it’s hard to know much at all. However, the PlayStation 4 launched with an initially cheaper price tag than the XBOX One, along with extra power capabilities, the XBOX One also larger in physical size. Of course, that gave Sony’s latest console a fantastic initial boost, it became the obvious option. This is why Sony’s PlayStation 4 has risen to nearly double the sales of that of the XBOX One since launch.

With that said, we now have a much clearer picture today than we did at launch. However, en-INTL-XboxOne-TradeIn-Landing-Page-Large-desktopthere are many other factors involved. The biggest? Games. It’s an area which Microsoft has had to invest plenty of energy into in order to stay within the game of selling their system. Take the latest Halo release as an example, which attracted many new purchases of the console. On the other hand, Sony has also impressed with some stunning releases. Let’s now digest the main aspects of either console with an FAQ, which is sure to help you decide.

Key FAQs…

What’s the cost of either console?
Similar – there isn’t much between the two and the price keeps changing. Expect to pay around $300+.

Which is more reliable online?
Both have become victim to online attacks which resulted in gamers unable to access online features. It was last Christmas when the PSN became unavailable. Both systems have recently proven reliable and no serious issue has happened since. Yet it remains to be seen as to which console will have the best reliability.

Is either console backwards compatible?
Having the ability to play older gen console games on your brand new console is definitely a nice bonus. Simply put, the XBOX One does now have a backwards compatibility feature, the PS4 doesn’t right now but might in the future.

Which currently has the most exclusives?
Both consoles have an impressive line-up. But the PS4 currently has the largest catalogue of exclusives.

Does it cost to play online?
Whilst the PS3 was, and is, free to play online, the XBOX 360 came with a monthly fee. It should be noted that both the XBOX One and PS4 require a monthly fee to play online.

What does 8th gen mean?
It simply mean 8th generation – it’s now gen. 9th gen will be next gen. Head spinner?

Are the graphics much better than the XBOX 360, PS3 or Wii?
The visuals are far greater – you’ll definitely notice a big difference.

If visuals are the most important thing, then the PS4 is the console of choice, that’s because more 1080p titles have released on this console. That’s generally down to the extra power available to developers.

Other important considerations…

  • An important factor to also consider is which console their friends generally play. For example, if many of their friends have chosen the PlayStation 4, then they could be disappointed with the purchase of an XBOX One – that’s because they wouldn’t have the ability to play with friends. The point is, you might want to drop a few questions, such as – Do your best friends still play XBOX or PlayStation? Try to figure out which they’d prefer when playing online.
  • Virtual Reality is just around the corner and should be huge in 2016 – the PlayStation 4 is expected to be massive in this area.
  • Don’t forget to buy a few games, a console without a game is definitely a boring Christmas gift.
  • Grab a few extras, accessories, and don’t forget the online subscription (yes it can be all done online after the gift is opened).

Ultimately, either console should deliver a smile on Christmas day. Does the PS4 tick more boxes? Absolutely. But it’s down to far more than that – and I hope this guide has helped to answer some questions and help to confirm which console will become the perfect Christmas gift that you select. Which will you be grabbing this Christmas? Which console would you recommend? Feel free to leave your comments down below.

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