The Most Popular Gaming Apps of 2014

If you love nothing more than spending your free time glued to your smartphone playing some of the coolest games released this year, you need to pay attention to the solutions listed in this post. Not only are they some of the best rated and most downloaded apps around at the moment, but they’re also free or very cheap to download and certain to ease your boredom. With that in mind, give me your full attention for the next few minutes, and I’ll do my best to bring you some of the most interesting titles on the market. Of course, you don’t have to listen to my advice, but it’s only yourself that will miss out if you refrain.

Angry Birds


Even if you’ve never played the Angry Birds game before, you should be familiar with the concept and so I won’t go into too much detail here. Over the last twelve months, well over two million people have added this app to their smartphone, as so you should follow suit if you don’t want to miss out on the most recent trends. All you friends already have it, so what are you waiting for?

You can download this app from the Apple Store to your iPhone or iPad by following this link: Download

Drop 7


If you’ve always been a big fan of puzzle and brain training games like Sudoku, you’re going to love this free release from Zynga. It’s highly addictive and has been downloaded more than a million times in the last twelve months. That should tell you something about just how fantastic it is. Sure, it might be difficult to get started, and you might well get frustrated from time to time, but once you get the hang of it, you’re certain to love playing.

You can download this app from the Apple Store to your iPhone or iPad by following this link: Download

Plants Vs Zombies


This could be the most humorous game around at the moment for your iPhone, and so adding it to your collection immediately is most certainly a good idea. As the name suggests, you’ll spend time playing as either a plant or a zombie and fighting off the other using 22LR ammo and futuristic weapons. I can assure you this game is brilliant once you get into it, and you’ll have trouble putting it down after a couple of minutes. Personally, I played this for over two hours last night without getting bored while researching for this article, so that should tell you something.

You can download this app from the Apple Store to your iPhone or iPad by following this link: Download

Right guys, I need to head off now and take a look at some more interesting games for my next post. I hope you found the suggestions in this article of some use, and that you’ll download them as soon as possible. At the end of the day, we all need something to keep us busy during break times or on the commute to work, right?

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