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111 posts
8 Things That are Awesome About Amazon Echo
Do I have to pick just eight? I could go on all day about the brilliance that is…
March 1, 2016
Could VR Transform the way we view Exercise?
Ask a scientist what is a key way to stay healthy, and one of their replies is sure…
January 27, 2016
Upcoming Technology that Looks Extremely Exciting
In the past hundred or so years, technology has changed so much that the world is a completely…
January 19, 2016
Fitness Tech: The Best Gadgets
Technology is helping to advance the way in which we live, more so than-ever before, and it’s a…
January 18, 2016
Brilliant Car Tech To Keep You Safe On The Roads
November 23, 2015
There is nowhere more dangerous than a busy road. Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – we are all at…
How Can Technology Hold Up In Harsh Conditions?
The average person does not need their phone or tablet to work in the desert. Much of the…
October 29, 2015
How to Help Your Electronics Last Longer and Preserve Important Data
We all know how important technology and electronics are in our daily lives. They play such an important…
October 5, 2015
Awesome Christmas Car Gadget Gifts For The Bad Driver In Your Life
We all know someone who can’t drive well, right? Perhaps it’s someone with skills so poor that you…
September 28, 2015
Revealed: The Top 10 Types Of Office Gadgets Your Business Should Have
It doesn’t matter which industry your business is in or how long it’s been trading. All firms have…
September 28, 2015
Awesome Ways You Can Deal With Messy Wires Around Your Computer
September 25, 2015
Anyone that has a computer knows the struggle of trying to stop your cables and wires from getting…
Major Ways Technology Has Impacted The Business World
We live in a world that is surrounded by technology. Everywhere you look you’ll find someone using some…
September 18, 2015
Is The Future Of Technology In Renting?
Technology has arguably progressed more in the past 15 years than any other generation. In truth, the post-millennial…
September 11, 2015
Technology Gift Ideas For The Discerning Gadget Geek
What do you buy someone that needs the latest technology like you need air to breathe? Someone that…
September 7, 2015
How Gadgets Can Improve Your Home Bar
Having a bar at home is a dream shared by millions. If you’re lucky enough to have one,…
July 27, 2015
The Next-Level Technology Coming To Your Home
July 21, 2015
We’re obsessed with new technology here at Tech Exclusive. We love discovering new gadgets and inventions. We get…
Awesome Tech That You Should Already Own
The world runs on technology these days and if you do not have the latest gizmos and gadgets…
July 13, 2015
Top 5 Tech Gadgets for the Kitchen
There are many weird and wonderful gadgets you could think of buying for your kitchen (well, not for…
June 11, 2015
10 Inventions The World Cannot Live Without
Technology in recent years has moved forward at an unprecedented rate, filling our lives with hundreds of gadgets…
June 3, 2015
Love TV Shows? How To Turn Your Tablet Into A Home Entertainment System
These days, a tablet is so much more than just a device for browsing the net. Many people…
May 6, 2015
Amazing Ways To Boost Sound Quality On Android Phones
April 22, 2015
Many of us use our phones to listen to music, but let’s face it: some of them sound…
Cortana for the Windows Phone Lover
Having a human being as a personal assistant is passé in this world where almost everyone uses a…
April 6, 2015
The Future Of Smartphones: Awesome Predictions And Thoughts
When you look at contemporary smartphones, you might think that they are as advanced as they will ever…
March 4, 2015
The Coolest Home Gadgets You Should Check Out After Christmas
With most people looking forward to Christmas at the moment, it can be easy to overspend and leave…
December 19, 2014
Futuristic Watches Every Man Will Love
When you were a kid, you used to watch things like Star Trek and Marvel and the technology…
December 11, 2014